Sunday, 5 August 2012


To FOSSICK : means to rummage or search about ; a dialect word current in Australian gold mining, as in search in crevices , abandoned workings or new prospects. All this allied to a natural inclination to seek and search, to pry and to probe. Ref: Cons.Oxf.Dic. - 4th Edition 1958 (my copy). I have done some searching in abandoned workings - crevices were not my scene - though I have spent many happy hours in the company of the late W.F.(Bill) West and his associates, being enthralled by his description of the ideas and theories in the development of his Termite Prospecting Program (a modern adaptation of the activities of water finders of pre-Biblical times) and if that doesn't fit the definition of searching in crevices, I don't know what will, though the actual crevice searching was somewhat delegated and involuntary. Involuntary in the sense that termites have only two objectives – to find hard (carbonated) water, and to find food, preferably cellulose, procured from surface material of dry grass and wood, which comprised the major part of their diet, coupled with the water as an aid to digestion. Their area of operations was from the surface, but avoiding sunlight, then underground following the water table. One appreciates that termites can only exist in areas of suitable climatic and geological conditions, which unfortunately restrict their production of evidence of what lies below. As the water table rose and fell, the termites had to progress down to the water or retreat upwards in advance of the water. Their routes between the rock surfaces were subject to constant blockages from rock fragments, and termite mounds above surface witness the amount of detritus they had to remove, these mounds being their equivalent of mine waste dumps. Somewhere in the past someone associated termite mounds with the presence of underground water, and eventually recognised that the mounds might reveal, through a simple panning of the detritus, what minerals may lie below. My targets now are different. I equate the "Aussie" term of to FOSSICK to seeking, searching and prospecting, but my operations will be in the digital world, no longer in the bush. I aim to switch to AFFILIATE MARKETING, in a range between e-niche and e-normous, aided by some little skill in blogging, some twelve years experience of gold mining in Central Africa, including prospecting, and the more mundane Exploratory Reconnaissance Costing Reports. Running down the right hand edge of this web log you will find links by banners to various internet marketing publishing companies’ websites. If you apply for membership (click on the respective banner) as an advertiser you will have the opportunity to search each website, through various categories, to see what business opportunites they each offer. Full information is provided on each opportunity as to sales levels, retail prices and applicable discounts or commissions available to affiliates.